Antipodes Audio AMSv5 Release Information

Bumping the Bump of the Bump, Bump Post

The AMS update is currently dis-abled, hitting the update button does not update the device.

Thx, will wait till itā€™s ready

UPDATE # TIDAL Plug-In Now Available for Squeeze



Starting April 10, 2024, you will now get access to our music library in full lossless, HiRes FLAC, and Dolby Atmos sound for the same price you pay today of $xx/month.
This is because weā€™re making it easier for everyone to enjoy best-in-class sound quality by combining our HiFi and HiFi Plus tiers into a single subscription tier called TIDAL.

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Since today, the Tidal app doesnā€™t appear anymore on squeeze.

When I go to server settings, I see that since today the tidal plugin checkbox is unmarked with the info that the plug-in is no more compatible with the software version what is somehow very strange since the software hasnā€™t changed since yesterday and is still the AMS v5.0ā€¦
I rechecked the box and restarted the serverā€¦but still nothingā€¦I restart fiscally several times my Antipodes and the situation remains the same: no more tidal appā€¦

Does it happen to someone else?
Have you been able to fix it?
Any idea about what happened?

Thank you.



This is the same for me. Mark, can you update the squeeze server when you reactivate the upgrade button?

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It seems to me you only need the Tidal v 2.0 plugin to have it work. That is the (only) one I have activated and Tidal is still working as I am writing this. Here I do not see the Tidal v0.9.0 (that is incompatible anyways) as an option either.

A few months back, I remember there were multiple Tidal plugins available for LMS, although only one was necessary (I believe it was also version 2.0). During that period, I had to log in with my Tidal credentials multiple times to get it to function properly. Fortunately, Mark assisted me, and we managed to get it working.

In your screenshot it seems you have the correct Tidal v 2.0 plugin checked though. You could uncheck it , restart your server, then try reinstall the Tidal 2.0 plugin and restart the server again. Possible you need to login with your Tidal credentials one time. If Tidal does work now, do uncheck Update plugins automatically at the bottom of the plugin page until further notice.

Same for everyone, we will be moving to the 8.4 version


Hi Mark,

Thank you for the update.
Strange that it happened suddenly when everything was stable and working.

Do you have a schedule to launch the new version to be able to enjoy again our Tidal subscription?

Thank you.


is it possible to roll back 5.0 to 4.4?

since the 5.0 update, i can not access the server on the network to view music folders (through finder or explorer) music is available through the webpage view and all music plays via roon.

just can not see it from a mac finder window

anyone else having this issue?

Not a problem for me. You should set up a support call as this should work in AMS 5.

Sounds like a MAC security setting, if the Antipodes device is on the network, plays music, there isnā€™t anything on an Antipodes thatā€™s stops access.

its the same on my pc laptop too?

I also have a Mac (two actually) & like Kennyb123 Iā€™ve also not experienced any problems. Youā€™ve probably already got it covered, but itā€™s at least worth mentioning that on some installations the IP address of the server will have changed.

Can you ping on server ip?
Maybe restart the router.

have restarted the router, modem a number of times, no luck. I have been having a few testing times post ams5 update.

I have now turned off the k41, unplugged the ethernet and had a full power down.

powered back up and the k41 is appearing on the pc and mac.

fingers crossed


I just noticed an update icon for squeeze today, and looks like the Tidal plugin works. I donā€™t use it so donā€™t really care, but was curious after reading your post and tried to install it, and like you, I could not. Now I can. Note that the plugin is now v1.0.0, and not v0.9.0. See if you have a suggestion to update/restart on the top right 3 dots.

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For the benefit of those non-technical here (me!) - where exactly did you see that and what did you have to do to get an update icon.


Mine had a blue dot over the 3 dots to indicate an update was available- if it is not there you can refresh the page to see if it pops up.
You then click on those 3 dots to bring up information, then click a button saying ā€œrestartā€ just like the ā€œserver settingsā€ button below- sorry I didnā€™t take a picture of the page before updating. The information page below shows server and player versions- I am still on the same version as before, 8.3.1, but it updated the Tidal plugin-

A really bit of info to know

I reworded the above- itā€™s a little more clear now. I donā€™t exactly know what you just meant here, or if you have updated this squeeze app before or not, but all you need to do is 2 clicks and wait- a message pops up saying ā€œupdating- wait a minuteā€ the music will stop after the update, and then you just hit play again.

This is just to update our Squeeze app of course, to get the Tidal plugin you need to add that Tidal option, but the instructions for that are above from PaulW a while back I believeā€¦

edit: Found it here: Late to the party - #6 by PaulW